I've used data from Fred Espenak, at EclipseWise.com. The listings below were not computed. They were compiled manually by examining the eclipse maps produced by Fred Espenak.
All dates are in the Gregorian Calendar. All times are in Atlantic Standard Time (AST), which is UTC - 4h.
Gregorian Date | Duration | Altitude | Time(AST) | ΔT | Mag | Best Location | Map | Comment |
1203-05-12 | 1m28s | 12.2° | 18:24 | 718s | 1.003 | North Cape | map | Also visible at East Point. |
1285-06-04 | 1m15s | 65.0° | 12:58 | 515s | 1.007 | Tyne Valley | map | Central line from West Cape to Souris. Hybrid Annular-Total-Annular. |
1379-05-16 | 4m22s | 63.4° | 12:32 | 347s | 1.016 | North Cape | map | Very much like 2024-04-08. Visible in Quebec City, Lisbon, Gibraltar. |
1972-07-10 | 2m09s | 33.2° | 16:36 | 43s | 1.017 | Dalvay | map | Entire Island in the path. Monday. Central from Dalvay to Murray River. |
2024-04-08 | 3m14s | 32.4° | 15:36 | 71s | 1.023 | North Cape | map | Visible from Kensington west. Monday. |
2079-05-01 | 2m28s | 11.3° | 06:10 | 107s | 1.022 | Murray Harbour | map | Entire Island in the path, but center-line misses it to the SE. |
2106-05-03 | 2m00s | 40.3° | 15:20 | 134s | 1.005 | North Cape | map | Visible only in the Tignish area. |
2200-04-14 | 1m21s | 53.0° | 12:00 | 271s | 1.008 | North Rustico | map | Central from Borden to North Rustico. Half of the Island is in the path. |
2205-07-17 | 3m39s | 56.6° | 10:38 | 280s | 1.016 | North Cape | map | Visible from Richmond up to North Cape. Very much like 2024-04-08. |
2381-07-22 | 3m18s | 08.3° | 04:47 | 733s | 1.032 | West Point | map | The entire Island in the path. Central from West Point to Cascumpec Bay. |
2690-06-28 | 2m43s | 19.6° | 17:55 | 2119s | 1.011 | East Point | map | Visible in the Tignish area and in northern Kings County. |
The altitude is the altitude of the Sun above the horizon.
ΔT is related to the gradual slowing of the Earth's rotation, and is used when calculating the circumstances of an eclipse.
The number of total solar eclipses visible from PEI, in each millenium:
From the Charlottetown Guardian for Friday, the weather forecast was: "Saturday sunny in all regions [of the Maritimes]".
Gregorian Date | A/T | Tracks Over |
1008-10-31 | A | NS coast. |
1062-12-03 | A | West Cape PEI. |
1071-11-24 | A | Cape Breton. |
1079-07-01 | T | the tip of southern NS. |
1127-06-11 | A | PEI. |
1138-11-04 | A | PEI. |
1203-05-12 | T | PEI |
1209-07-03 | A | Cabot Strait. |
1234-03-01 | A | PEI. |
1232-10-15 | T | southern NS. |
1254-08-14 | A | PEI. |
1285-06-04 | T | PEI. |
1352-05-14 | T | ends just before PEI. |
1355-03-14 | A | PEI. |
1364-03-04 | A | PEI. |
1379-05-16 | T | western PEI. |
1395-01-21 | T | ends in Maine. |
1427-04-26 | A | southern NS. |
1440-02-03 | T | Total tracks through NL. |
1478-07-29 | T | Total tracks south of NS. |
1491-05-08 | A | just off the NS coast. |
1536-06-18 | A | PEI. |
1554-06-29 | A | moves SE over southern NB and NS. |
1569-09-10 | T | ends in southern NS. |
1656-01-25 | A | near PEI. |
1663-09-01 | T | moves SE through NL. |
1672-08-22 | T | moves SE through southern Maine. |
1684-07-12 | T | moves NE south of NS. |
1726-09-25 | T | moves SE through NL. |
1722-12-08 | A | moves SE through Maine, NS. |
1748-07-25 | A | moves NE over the St. Lawrence. |
1757-08-14 | A | over PEI, but just at the very end. |
1766-08-05 | A | over PEI. |
1791-04-03 | A | over PEI. |
1831-02-12 | A | along NS coast. |
1875-09-29 | A | south of NS. |
1900-05-28 | T | south of NS. |
1963-07-20 | T | Maine, southern tip of NS. |
1970-03-07 | T | NS Atlantic coast. |
1972-07-10 | T | across PEI, Stanhope to Murray Harbour. |
1994-05-10 | A | over NS. |
2024-04-08 | T | over PEI, Kensington and West. |
2079-05-01 | T | all of PEI. |
2093-07-23 | A | western PEI. |
2106-05-03 | T | over PEI, just catches North Cape. |
2200-04-14 | T | over PEI, centerline from Borden to North Rustico. |
2205-07-17 | T | over PEI, Tyne Valley and up west. |
2251-07-19 | A | over southern NS. |
2267-03-26 | A | over western PEI. |
2294-03-27 | A | over PEI. |
2301-11-01 | A | over southern NB, NS. |
2323-09-01 | A | over Cape Breton. |
2381-07-22 | T | all of PEI. |
2505-06-03 | T | over NS. |
2551-06-05 | A | over northern NB. |
2620-09-18 | T | over NL. |
2650-08-19 | A | over NS. |
2667-03-16 | A | over southern NS. |
2678-08-09 | A | over southern NS. |
2690-06-28 | T | over PEI, Tignish area, top half of Kings county. |
2728-11-23 | T | over southern NB, NS. |
2748-05-19 | A | over NL. |
2770-03-19 | A | over PEI. |
2904-01-08 | A | over PEI. |
2912-12-29 | A | over NL. |
2967-01-31 | A | over PEI. |
2978-06-26 | A | over NL. |
2990-05-15 | T | over southern NB. |
(The github project is here.)